
Buy Manufacturer Direct

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LVS dealers are independant businesses. It is possible that your area might not have a dealer yet. We make our coating available for purchase manufacturer direct if there is not a dealer is not nearby. The products can be shipped to your home, job site or to your painter.

The LVS Coating System requires two products; LVS BASE COAT and the LIQUID VINYL SIDING top coat. Both components are necessary for the coating to perform as intended. Products are water base and can be applied by brush, roller or airless sprayer. Liquid Vinyl Siding is suitable for many applications. Its cost may be slightly higher than conventional paint but pays for itself with the money that can be saved and over time, ends up being Less Costly. Coating with Liquid Vinyl puts a stop to the endless cycle of painting and provides your home with lasting beauty for decades.

Give us a call to find out more and a quote. 1‑888‑409‑2023.

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