Is it paint or is it siding?
It's actually BOTH! This exterior coating looks like paint AND provides the benefits of more expensive vinyl siding.
By combining the maintenance‑free feature
of vinyl siding with the versatility and wide color selection of paint Liquid Vinyl Siding™
offers the best of both worlds at HALF the COST of new siding. When we say Never Paint Again we
mean it. This extraordinary coating system eliminates the hassle and expense of painting. Liquid
Vinyl Siding™ outlasts conventional paint by decades and provides Lasting
Beauty! Why waste money repainting every few years when there is a smarter way to 'paint'?
This ultra thick coating is weather resistant and provides superior protection for the outside of the
home. It improves a home's appearance, increases curb appeal and can reduce exterior maintenance expense.
Official LVS dealers apply this vinyl coating with a transferable, 30‑YEAR manufacturer warranty.
Coating with a 'lifetime' product with such a strong warranty surely will increase the value of
your home or business. New business opportunities are available in several areas.
Find out why everyone is talking about Liquid Vinyl Siding™
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