Why VINYL SAFE Colors Are Important When Painting Siding?

There are many homeowners that are not aware of the fact that vinyl siding can always be painted to give your home a new look by painting over your vinyl siding with an appealing color. By applying a fresh coat of Liquid Vinyl Siding on your vinyl siding, you can actually increase its durability. Painting vinyl siding is usually a less difficult task than painting wood or brick surface.

However, when it comes to painting your vinyl siding, you have to be careful about the color selection. Not all types of color is a suitable choice for applying on vinyl siding. For example, if you apply too much dark paint, the vinyl siding is prone to absorb so much heat that it will cause warping and serious damage on the siding. This is the reason you should use vinyl safe colors.

Why Use Vinyl Safe Paint Colors for Siding?

Vinyl siding is manufactured for a specific color. Choosing a suitable paint color to apply over vinyl siding is very difficult since you cannot choose a color that may cause damage to the panels. A color lighter than the vinyl siding color is a safer choice and typically will not cause a problem. However, the safest solution to eliminate potential problems is to use vinyl safe paint colors. Colors in this category were developed to be compatible with vinyl siding. Vinyl safe paint color gives you an option to select from a range of colors that are similar or lighter than the color of the vinyl siding. These types of colors do not contain a high concentraction of heat absobing pigmnet and are considered to be safe for vinyl siding. There are many articles on the internet that discusses this subject.

Advantages of Using Vinyl Safe Paint Colors for Siding

The most important benefit of using a vinyl safe paint color is that it improves the look of your homes exterior and increases the life of the vinyl siding without causing potential damage due to changing its color. There is a wide range of vinyl safe paint color options to choose from. Each and every color available in the vinyl safe paint category is identical or a bit lighter than the color of your vinyl siding and are literally safe for vinyl siding. Major paint companies such as Sherwin-Williams and Benjamin Moore have a vinyl safe color category with numerous colors to choose from.